
Much is being discussed on the study released recently that shows that bacon, among a lot of other things, can cause cancer. Much of the comments, funny as some are, miss the point.  
The very things that have allowed humanity to blossom into a species of nearly 8 billion are the things that threaten us. It is the “processed” in the description that hurts. Humans have spent tens of millions of years evolving, and food for us should be killed or picked and eaten relatively soon.  Not processed, added to and stored on shelves for months.

Much as our planet can’t adapt quickly to the last couple of hundred years of carbon emissions, our bodies have not had nearly the time to adapt to preservatives, chemicals, dyes, and everything else that goes into packaged food. Especially when half the crap was never completely tested over long term (decades not months) to gauge long term health effects.  

What to do about it? Well, we can willingly go back to hunter gatherer days or subsistence farming. That is not exactly practical given the size of humanity now. Sooooo, something new will have to be thought up.  Or perhaps something old.  

In the meantime, pass the bacon.