December 2015

Some of the best Star Trek work over the last decade has been created by fans, not the official CBS and Paramount guardians of the Roddenberry Galaxy. Both in print […]

Just a short commentary on what I have read from last night’s debate.  Someone has already counted, and the word “war” was used 49 times during last nights debate.  “World […]

Venus & The Moon

This morning saw the planet Venus being occulted by the Moon.  Sounds serious, eh?  Nah, it’s actually another word for eclipse.  I had to work, so I didn’t get to […]

So the COP21 in Paris still continues, despite the distractions of domestic terror back home.  China pledged to reduce emissions by 60% by 2020.  That is in less than five […]

We still don’t know if San Berndadino was a “simple” terror attack, a case of workplace violence, or intrestingly, a combination of both.  We do know that at least some […]