We Can Fix This

We still don’t know if San Berndadino was a “simple” terror attack, a case of workplace violence, or intrestingly, a combination of both.  We do know that at least some if not all of the weapons involved were LEGALLY purchased.  The lead man in the shooting was a citizin of the USA, born and raised here, with a solid middle class job.  A possible clue was that he might have met his wife online. 

At any rate, the path to violence may not have started with the guns he owned.  But it certainly didn’t help that he had easy access to them.  

Gun ownership is not a right granted by God.  It was a right bestowed on us by men who had just fought a bloody war against a far away empire.  The same men bestowed on us the right to own other humans.  The document that granted that right, in the wisdom of the men who wrote it, can be changed, can be clarified.  WE CAN DO THAT.  

I do not want to ban guns outright, altough that is an idea that should be considered.  Other countries who also happen to be free democracies have done that, and it has worked, and they are still free and happy.  But owning a gun should be the hardest, most incredibly difficult thing you have ever done.  Think buying a house is painful?  You should have to go to a weapons center to register, to undergo rigerous mental and physical testing, to train until you can prove you can handle your gun well.  You should also have to undergo some sort of security background check, similar to a mlitary clearance, that doesn’t just run your credit and criminal history, but also PROFILES you and continues to do so as long as you own the gun.  You should also have to justify your ownership.  Handgun?  The reason you need one?  Rifle?  Do you hunt?  If not why do you need this rifle?  Military grade hardware?  Sorry, that is for the military and police, not you Mr. Average Citizen of The USA.

Basically, if you are willing to take a few days off from work, submit to a lifetime of occasionally intrusive surveillance, and pay the fees associated with those checks, I don’t mind you owning a gun.  

I know the arguments.  Bad guys will always have access.  But we are talking about lowering the number of guns being produced, being sold, and getting into the world.  The position that many are taking, that handing out a gun to everyone is the solution, is not really the solution.  It is only the creation of a bigger problem.

We can fix this.  We have to fix this.  It is our right and duty as citizens of this great country to do so.