Trump Won’t be Dumped

I am seeing more and more dissent from former (and a few current) military leaders and commentators when it comes to a Trump presidency. This meme quote in particular is from last November, and from a Kasich campaigner, Air Force Col (Ret.) Tom Moe, who was in fact a Vietnam POW. There are others. HuffPost picked up a blog from LtCol (Ret.) William Astore yesterday, check it out here:
You see, the core issue with The Donald is that despite his (and the rest of the Republican field, for that matter) “pro-military” rhetoric, is that it goes 100% against what the military is SUPPOSED to be for. Protecting the rights of others. Fighting for liberty and justice. Defending equality. Not just for a few who might agree or look like you. But for EVERYONE.  Trump, Cruz, and even Rubio have all embraced the all too familiar philosophy that the military is only a blunt instrument to be used for violence, morality, ethics and law be damned.  And the military is waking up and refusing to have it.
Meanwhile, the Republican mainstream has finally, in the wake of Super Tuesday, decided it is time to deal with the monster they created.  Too little, far too late.  Trump is nearly in cruise control, and with wins today and possibly on 15 March, will be the nominee in everything but name.  Worse, for all his racism, sexism, war mongering, flip flopping, rude and uncivil tendencies, Trump has been playing by the rules the Republican’s wrote.  They wanted a quick fight, with a clear nominee early in the primary season.  He signed that damn “pledge”, which the Party is more eager to rip up than Trump is.  If Trump is guilty of anything against the Republican Party, is is that he has exposed the raw nerves of the Party base itself.  He has begun to harvest what Republican’s in D.C. have sewn for decades, and especially the last eight years since our first black President took office.  He is the face of the angry, bitter, scared and formerly middle-class white male.  The person who Republican Party policies have rested their hopes own for power, while in the background trying to engage in policies that have crushed that same middle-class.
Well, mission accomplished.  Those Trump voters are mad, they are scared, and their votes, as based in fear and hate and bitterness that they might be, do in fact matter.  The Party, by actively engaging in Gov. Romney’s well stated speech and aid, but actually soliciting voters to push for a split and brokered convention in Cleveland, risks marginalizing a group that, despite holding power since our country was founded, feels they are the new minority group.  Those voters could form the basis of a party that would plunge our country back 150 years in terms of social progress.
This exposure for what it is could, and likely will if Trump wins, split the Republican Party once and for all into two or more political parties.  This is a good thing, as a two party system is not exactly democratic or representative of the ideals we claim to hold high in the USA.  Exposing the still raw and racist underbelly of our culture is another positive, as discussion on race, economic equality and justice is a level not seen since the 60’s.  THAT, no matter what side you take, is a good thing.
Hopefully we come out of this historic and amazing election season intact, and use the opportunity we have been provided to build a better future.