Last night was a glimpse of what may be to come…if we elect Mr. Donald Trump. I simply don’t know were to begin. It was the most hateful, angry acceptance speech ever seen in the TV era. While he did take shots at both Republicans and Democrats, he did NOT come out and state the platform his party has adopted is the most regressive and oppressive since the Civil War era.
As I have heard said, he laid out a campaign slogan, many of them last night. He still did not lay out a plan. Anyway, off to class, so for now, here is a compilation of my thoughts from last night:
How many of these insane, grandiose ideas can Trump actually accomplish without Congress????Think Obama has seen obstruction? Buckle up.
Trump promises to protect free speech. Protect hate speech as well no doubt.
Violence spilling across our borders…hmmm, where do they get all their guns?
Anyone who endorses hatred or oppression is not welcome in our country, eh???
Beat ISIS fast, sure. How you gonna beat the ideology behind it, which will live on. How will defeat the root causes of terrorism?
“No lies.” That is fresh.