Where did the last three months go?


It has been three months since I last wrote here on this little blog. So it’s been awhile. I haven’t been laying back, doing nothing. Master’s classes started. University of Mary out of Bismarck, North Dakota.  Pursuing a Master’s of Public Administration, possibly with an Energy Management concentration. Went to Dayton, Ohio for eight days in September, with a day trip up to the Lake Erie shore that included a ferry ride to Kelleys Island, and a ride in a Ford Trimotor. Also did a day trip along parts of the Sheyenne River Valley in September. Took in a craft show, took some photos, and grabbed some ice cream in Valley City. With school starting up, so did the kid’s orchestra and theatre seasons. Which means our lives get busier, and more governed by school schedules than our own whims. So it’s been a busy fall. We’ve had a couple of orchestra concerts, a choir concert, and the fall play, “Peter and The Starcatcher”, thus far. I am fortunate to have kids far more talented than I (they get that from their mother), and despite making my life busier, it is far more enjoyable.

Been trying to get more active in the Fargo-Moorhead Astronomy Club, especially as I now have three telescopes. In early October I won, yes, got lucky and won, a package that included a SkyWatcher Esprit 120mm ED Triplet APO Refractor. For the non-technical types, that is a seriously awesome telescope, one that will last me for decades. School events have gotten in the way a couple of times, but I’ve also been able to make it to a star party and a meeting. Hopefully will become more active with this group in the future.

Went to the chiropractor for the first time a few weeks back. I’d had a concentrated pain in my shoulder blade area from sleeping wrong, working out wrong, who knows. But it hurt for a week or two, then my left arm starting tingling. My wife, who has gone to a chiropractor for her whole life, told me to go in again. After a weekend of tingling and continued shoulder pain, I did.  Pinched nerve(s) was the verdict.  Four visits later, I am feeling much better, and am likely hooked on chiropractic care.

Of course this weekend was Thanksgiving. We didn’t go anywhere this year, and no one came to us. Instead we camped out here, doing some light shopping, and catching up on two months of DVR storage. I’ve said this before, but holidays, birthdays, etc., are all just days on the calendar. It’s better to display gratefulness and thanks 24/7, 365, than it is to shout about it one day a year.

Anyway, I’ve got a lot of writing to catch up on. Politics have turned into something I never expected to see in my lifetime. Social justice, racism, and sexism are erupting all over our nation. The environment is at a crossroads, and likely past the point of no return, where we will see massive climate change in the course of our lives. Incredible discoveries are being made in astrophysics and exoplanet studies. And our rush to banish the night from our lives has started to make mainstream headlines. So there is a lot to talk about.

And I’ll be around more to discuss it all.