
Trump Won't be Dumped

I am seeing more and more dissent from former (and a few current) military leaders and commentators when it comes to a Trump presidency. This meme quote in particular is […]

Iowa.  Corn belt.  Hawkeyes.  Butt of frequent jokes made my Minnesotans.  One of the most boring states in the Union.  And, tomorrow, the most important place in the country.  Iowa […]

Watching the State of The Union.  POTUS just called us the most powerful country in the world. Period. This is of true of course. The last two books I have […]

So the COP21 in Paris still continues, despite the distractions of domestic terror back home.  China pledged to reduce emissions by 60% by 2020.  That is in less than five […]

Facebook can be addicting.  I should know.  I post A LOT.  I check it once an hour all day long, and will usually reply if something I believe in is […]