Social Action

We are living in a climate emergency, one of our own making.  Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, when the use of coal in energy production and manufacturing took […]

Blood in The Halls

Another day in the United States.  Seventeen more dead people in a school, the victims of senseless gun violence.  I tire of the endless slaughter.  I tire of American’s looking the […]

This last weekend, the United States put on a horror show display of intolerance in Charlottesville, Virginia. White Supremacists and Nationalists protested, and when counter protesters started turning out, things […]

Late last winter I started looking at opportunities to use the tuition assistance that the Air Guard provides. Despite some less than stellar undergrad transcripts, I applied to a couple […]

We Need a Moonshot

I was born just a few months after the return of the last human crewed Earth mission to the Moon. Apollo 17 launched on December 7, 1972, it’s lunar module […]

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment or religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom or speech, or of the press; or the right of […]